Thursday, May 19, 2011

Roses! And More Roses! And Flowers! Oh, My!

My antique roses are so fun to watch grow...they are loving the sunshine and the warmth of the Florida May weather.

They have been a little neglected, though, and  need another shot of Milorganite (ahem...literally CRAP from the good folks of Milwaukee) and epsom salts to give them a little boost.

And I have a little black spot going on there too.  Not sure how to handle that...

Anyhow...enjoy the pics of them (and some other ones I have randomly added, too)!
Mrs. B.R. Cant (an antique rose, purchased from Rose Petals Nursery in April)
Clotilde Soupert, Cl.   I planted this about six weeks ago.

My second Clotilde.  She isn't thriving as much as the one planted on the west side of the house.
A day or so ago, she was partially closed... now the Clotilde is fully open!!!

My Hoya is blooming.  This  almost never happens!

I stuck a sprig of this moss rose in the ground lass fall...and NOW look at it!

Mme. Joseph Schwartz, antique Rose
Mme. Joseph Schwartz.  I planted this as a baby about the end of March...

This Peggy Martin was a sadder required a little more TLC when she came to me.  But darn it...she is known as the Katrina Rose , so if a hurricane can't kill her, NEITHER CAN I!!!!

Louis Phillipe

Look at that shoot on the Louis Phillipe!

General Schablikine.  Lots of green, only one bloom.
That's Bouganvilla at the bottom of that trellis.  It was all killed off over the winter...and we are starting all over again.

And here is Maggie, today, before school:

My entryway plants...some friends gave me that hanging basket planter and it is my FAVORITE  PLANTER EVER.  I just planted new flowers in it...they haven't done much yet.  :-/  Perhaps in the next set of pics, right?

Sambac Jasmine, begonia (I think!), and my windchime

Sambac Jasmine is blooming!

Baby Souvenir de la Malmaison, and a new cool trellis I bought this past week.!

Zephirine Drouhin

Zephirine Drouhin

1 comment:

Cristy said...

Mu Hoya is blooming, this almost never happens. I just started laughing thinking it was one of your jokes! ha ha