Monday, October 25, 2010

New Pictures

I thought it had been a while since I had posted pictures!  Took a few at Wes' last football game this past Saturday, but we couldn't see much from where we were sitting.  

Soooo, the football game consisted of pictures of Maggie.   

Also, I took some pictures of my flowers/baskets/flowering shrubs this morning.  

I love Fall in Florida; the flowers are starting to look less beaten down and ragged from the heat of summer and my jasmines are starting to flower.  Jasmines are my favorite ( as you may or may not know). 
Maggie playing at Wes' last football game

Maggie and Grandpa

A touchdown for our team.  They still didn't win.  No wins this season.   There were tears.

Chris finished the fence.  He's a rock star. 

My Sambac Jasmine is flowering again!  

My climbing yellow roses are beautiful, too!

We're decorated for Halloween...

Entryway Sambac Jasmine shrub.  Bought two more and am planting them this week!  What a welcoming scent for visitors, I think...

Moss rose is going BANANAS.

They need water, I know.  But love yellow mums.  They are so happy.

Again, everything needs water!  I thought the morning sun was so beautiful.  It is a warm October morning, though!  Supposed to be about 90 today.  Whew.

Entryway.  That shrub in the pot is the changing out what is there.  I want flowers and lovely scents in my front entry way~!    This area is a work in progress for me :)

Again, the morning sun was gorgeous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures, MaryAnn. Maggie is so cute. I am so jealous of her hair. My granddaughter, who is the same age, still has baby hair (very little and not uniform length anywhere). Your home looks very inviting - I am glad you are enjoying it! - Sharon VS