Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lip Gloss and Wind Chimes

Note the goop all over my kitchen drawer. 

It was caused by "you-know-who" (Maggie, in-case-you-don't) who foraged through my purse and found my new Benefit lip gloss, then went to town on only this drawer.  

Afterwards, she put the lid back on and put the lip gloss back in my purse where she found it.  Oh, how I would love to get into her mind to know what she was thinking.  

I have to be careful where I leave my purse because she has an obsession with lip gloss/lipstick.  I have no idea WHERE she would have gotten this obsession because NO ONE in this house gives a hoot about lip gloss, lipstick, make-up, etc.   

 So, while I had my camera out, I thought I would take a picture of some things I have found in thrift stores in the area.  I have decided (along with learning how to play guitar) that I need hobbies.  And if those hobbies make me some extra money, that would be kick ass.

Chris bought me an adorable little handmade teapot windchime for our anniversary this past year.  For as small as it was, it wasn't really cheap.  But I loved it.

And since I don't really ask for a whole lot except his time, attention and soul, he bought it for me.

Last week, I taught myself how to play guitar in one day with the attitude that "it can't be THAT hard."

 I mean, look at all the burnouts who call themselves rockstars who have learned to play guitar with faculties that are painfully deficient, if not completely absent.

That is how I feel about making windchimes.  Sort of.  I suppose it takes a little artistic ability, but I am a Pisces and aren't they known for being a little artsy and whimsical?  (They are also known for being weepy, depressive and a bit crazy.)

How hard can it be?    I just need to learn how to use a drill and someone needs to show me what kind of drill bit to use.   I am inspecting the kind of wire/techniques used on my anniversary chime.  

With a little imagination, you never know.   I might totally impress myself.

Oh, and I found this  ashtray at a thrift store the other day.  I thought it might make a cute little windchime.  It was $.50.  But I looked closer  and it says 1933-1934 World's Fair Chicago on top,  Travel and Transport Building on the bottom.  I did a little research online and it might be worth a little bit more than what I paid for it.  Specifically, there was one online that was a bit larger.  The seller was asking $155.00.  I know that what one asks for something and what one gets for it is two different things, but still....

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