I was stumbling through blogs as I ate my daily salad (I would have preferred a Big Mac).
I came across one that touched me.
We have had infertility issues in our immediate family, and although I can't say I have personally experienced this, I have seen the pain that the difficulty in conceiving can cause.
It angers me that so many wonderful, loving people pray faithfully that they will be blessed with the PRIVILEGE to be parents. In the meantime others are aborting, abusing and neglecting their own babies/children.
I needed this couple's trials today to keep my blessings in perspective.
My 19-month is calling me from her crib and instead of grumbling that she only slept long enough for me to barely finish my lunch, I'm going to pick her up and give her a big hug and kiss.
I'll take a moment to smell her sweet scent and shower her with my love and attention. I'll make certain that she knows, beyond a doubt, that she is my blonde-haired, blue eyed, feisty gift from God.
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